We have established this nationwide website for family resource and support. PTB is organized with the specific purpose to help nurture, reconcile and heal parent/teen relationships, values, bonds and trust. We will diligently promote the website throughout the nation providing assistance and essential support to families, schools and communities in an effort to curtail the epidemic of teen drug, nicotine and alcohol use, abuse and addiction, and decrease the countless related illnesses, injuries and deaths.
Children raised in homes where tobacco is smoked inside are subject to many illnesses caused by second hand smoke, which include asthma and addiction to nicotine. In home use of legal and potentially harmful substances such as prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco should be consumed with caution and discretion. Also, children raised around persistent nicotine, drug and alcohol use often develop a tendency toward addictive behavior. It is well known that a substantial amount of prescription drugs and alcohol used by young people come from their own home and the homes of friends.
We cannot reasonably expect parents and adults in the family to abstain from the use of alcohol and tobacco. However, it is the nature of parents to be the inherent teachers of their children and the parent's responsibility to maintain a good example. Consequently, it is imperative that we are aware of the physiological impact of our actions and behavior that influence our children's life and choices.
This website will provide full spectrum access to educational resources and links to numerous public, state and federal websites as well as other organizations that offer support relevant to the mission and goals of PTB. In an effort to help diminish teen addiction, arrest and conviction, PTB will soon provide an assortment of home test kits as essential tools for the purpose of prevention of teen nicotine, drug and alcohol consumption and abuse. To make this possible we will implement e-commerce into the site.
The PTB website will include an interactive public forum bringing together the public and experts to share concerns, insight, knowledge and experiences. The website will also include educational tutorial videos and documentary interviews with innocent victim survivors sharing the effects of drug and alcohol related accidents. The foremost priority and goal of Parent Teen Bridges is supporting the evolution of drug, alcohol and smoke free families and teens by providing easy access to vast qualified sources of beneficial information and dialog promoting unified, healthy and harmonious families. In essence we will provide bridges that help connect parents and teens, problems and solutions, conflicts and resolutions along the path to improved family cohesion, understanding, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We welcome your help, suggestions, contributions and participation in promoting our vision to help as many teens and families as we can.
Thank you for helping us grow by participating in our website. We welcome you as part of the solution.